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Liebe Kund:Innen, endlich gute Nachrichten, was unseren Versand ins Ausland angeht: Der Versand kann ab sofort je nach Zieladresse und Gewicht ab 6,50 Euro Versandkostenpauschale per Deutsche Post/DHL bis 1kg als Internationale Warenpost erfolgen . Die Versandkosten werden gewichtsabhängig berechnet und Euch im Warenkorb angezeigt, wenn ihr eure Wunschadresse angebt.
Great news: We were finally able to lower the shipping rates for our international customers! Your costs are calculated depending on overall weight of your order and your shipping destination of choice. You'll be able to see the shipping costs in your shopping cart after you've entered your shipping destination of choice.
We ship via Deutsche Post and DHL and we always try to find the cheapest way to send your order, which usually should be "internationale Warenpost" up to 1kg and might be a package/parcel above 1kg overall weight.
Minimum shipping costs for international shipping are set to 6.50 € at the moment, depending on the destination of your choice. Any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at
Thank you – Jörg Faßbender
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