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CRUSH3D!! 1 - Nana Yaa Kyere – English language edition


CRUSH3D!! 1 - Nana Yaa Kyere – English language edition

Select Art. Nr.: 1010777
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Der Band ist gerade nicht auf Lager, ich bitte um ein wenig Geduld. We're waiting for the new Edition to be available. Please bear with us. Gewicht: 0.75 kg
At the moment we're waiting for a new print edition to be delivered. We hope it will soon be available together with the second collection!

This is the English language collection of CRUSH3D!

New team, new luck? Carter is finally back in the ice rink - but so are his old demons.

The colorful start of a polarizing boy's ice hockey career, for fans of the classic coming of age sports manga genre who also like a little gay romance twist. This first book collects the first three chapters of the free webcomic series filled with both lighthearted fun and serious mental health and LGBT+ issues.

Text der Buchrückseite:

Crush, aka Carter Howe, once played as a promising center for the renowned "Ovensee Penguins". He strove for a glorious hockey career until one fateful night shattered more than just his dreams. Seasons later, the 18-year-old is packing his bags and moving far away from everything that went wrong - and also back into the closet. Crush's last shot at the sport is joining the lesser-known "Renhain Deers".

This otherwise goalless troublemaker now has to find his place on a new team and keep his numerous bad habits in check. All while facing boarding school rules, intense practices, locker room talk ... and teammates he probably shouldn't fall for??

Nana lebt und arbeitet im Rheinland und hat seit 2015 einen Bachelor in Kommunikationsdesign. Wenn sie einmal nicht an ihrem Zeichentisch sitzt oder sich neue Geschichten einfallen lässt, spielt sie RPGs, geht mit ihren Freunden Cocktails trinken oder vertreibt sich die Zeit mit ihrem Hund. Sie hat 2019 den Ginco Award für ihre Web-Serie "Java Bonds" gewonnen.

24 x 17 cm, 352 Seiten, Buchklappen (French Folds), Gloss Finish Cover, Fadenbindung, + gratis A5 Print. Selbstverlag, 1. Auflage 2022.

Kinder/Jugendliche; Allgemein; Junge Erwachsene; Young Adult; mental health; LGBTQ+ issues.

Alle Inhalte © 2022 Nana Yaa Kyere.

Text/Zeichnungen Nana Yaa Kyere
Seitenzahl 352
Farbe 4/4
Verlag Selbstverlag
Besonderheit French Folds
Größe/Format 17 x 24 cm
ISBN 978-3-00-072034-5

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